
I’m Michael Dominguez, the car-obsessed maestro behind Car Fixer Guide. Armed with a degree in Automotive Technology from the University of Michigan, and a Master Mechanic Certification from the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence, I’ve dedicated my life to the intimate understanding of our four-wheeled companions.

I’ve spent 9 years under the hood, first as a mechanic at a high-volume dealership, then managing my own successful repair shop. My hands-on experience birthed a desire to share knowledge, steering me toward creating this platform.

At Car Fixer Guide, I unravel the mysteries of auto mechanics. I provide meticulously crafted guides on car maintenance and repair. Whether it’s tweaking your carburetor or navigating complex electrical systems, I’ve got you covered. My mission is to empower you with the knowledge and confidence to keep your vehicle in top-notch condition. I believe everyone can become their own best mechanic. Let’s embark on this journey together!